Outreachy Journey Started
This winter, I will be interning with Outreachy for Tekton on the project "Create Gitops Based Calendar with Tekton". under the mentorship of Christie Wilson . This post is about my journey from an IT professional to an Outreachy intern. Motivation to apply to Outreachy I came across “Outreachy" in 2018 when I was looking for an exciting opportunity to get started with open source projects & uplift my career. My boyfriend (now husband) advised me to apply for Outreachy. I didn't give much attention to it, but by the time I thought to apply, the 2018 winter deadline has already crossed. With a busy IT life, I completely forgot to apply for the summer 2019 intake as well. Later, when applications opened for winter 2019, I decided to give a shot. I never worked with the Opensource community or remotely either and in fact, I had no idea what Opensource is all about. I was excited about the fact that If I get selected I will be working with various contr...